My research has been published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and presented at national and international conferences. My research interests focus on improving access to behavioral health services, promoting cultural competency in mental health care, exploring the impact of race-related stress on mental health, and addressing mental health disparities. The aims of this work are bridging the gaps in mental health care and contributing to more equitable and effective treatment for diverse populations.
About The Race and Cultural Experiences (RACE) Research Lab
The Race and Cultural Experiences (RACE) Research Lab studies correlates and predictors of mental health among diverse communities. Current research goals are to: (1) elucidate correlates and predictors of child mental health services utilization among diverse populations, (2) identify mechanisms of help-seeking and (3) develop interventions to improve utilization and adherence to treatment.
About the Director: Dr. Erlanger A. Turner
Dr. Turner is a tenured Associate Professor of Psychology at Pepperdine University in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology. He graduated with a Bachelors of Science (B.S) degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University, and Masters of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology from Texas A&M University in College Station. Dr. Turner also completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Kennedy Krieger Institute through the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
About The Race and Cultural Experiences (RACE) Research Lab
The Race and Cultural Experiences (RACE) Research Lab studies correlates and predictors of mental health among diverse communities. Current research goals are to: (1) elucidate correlates and predictors of child mental health services utilization among diverse populations, (2) identify mechanisms of help-seeking and (3) develop interventions to improve utilization and adherence to treatment.
About the Director: Dr. Erlanger A. Turner
Dr. Turner is a tenured Associate Professor of Psychology at Pepperdine University in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology. He graduated with a Bachelors of Science (B.S) degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University, and Masters of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology from Texas A&M University in College Station. Dr. Turner also completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the Kennedy Krieger Institute through the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Publications and PresentationsBooks
Turner, E.A. (2024). Raising Resilient Black Kids: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Children Cope with Racial Stress, Manage Emotions, and Thrive. New Harbinger Publishing. (learn more) Turner, E.A. (2019). Mental health among African Americans: Innovations in research and practice. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing. Book Chapters Turner, E.A., Martin, R., Malebranche, D.A., Jernigan, M., *Newsome, J.D., Garcia, J.J., & *Griffith, B. (2025). The importance of intersectionality: Cultivating diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and justice in psychology. In A. Kim, M. Gallardo, & S. Taylor (Eds.), Cultivating DEI Conversations in Higher Education: An Educator's Guide to Optimizing Learning, Engagement, and Belonging. Taylor & Francis Publishing. Turner, E.A., Jernigan-Noesi, M., & Metzger, I. (2021). Confronting anti-Black racism and promoting social justice: Applications through social media. In K. Cokley (Ed.). Making Black Lives Matter: Confronting anti-Black racism. Cognella. Turner, E.A., & Turner, T.C. (2021). The state of Black mental health: Understanding disparities through the lens of Critical Race Psychology. In J. Chism, S. DeFreitas, V. Robertson, & D. Ryden (Eds.). Critical race studies across disciplines: Resisting racism through scholactivism. Lexington Books. Turner, E.A. (2020). Depression and athletes. In D. Hackfort, & R.J. Schinke (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Sports and Exercise Psychology: Theoretical and Methodological Concepts. Routledge International Publishing. Turner, E.A., Malone, C., & *Douglas, C.(2019). Barriers to mental health treatment for African Americans: Applying a model of treatment initiation to reduce disparities. In M. Williams, D. Rosen, & J. Kanter (Eds.), Eliminating Race-Based Mental Health Disparities: Promoting Equity and Culturally Responsive Care across Settings. New Harbinger Press. Turner, E.A., & *Richardson, J. (2018). Evidence-based psychotherapy for individuals with personality disorders. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer International Publishing. Turner, E.A. & Mills, C. (2016). Culturally relevant diagnosis and assessment of Mental Illness. In A., Breland-Noble, C., Al-Mateen, & N., Singh (Eds.), Handbook of Mental Health in African American Youth. Springer International Publishing. Selected Journal Articles Turner, E.A. (under-review). The effects of witnessing police brutality on race-based traumatic stress symptoms among Black Americans. Metzger, I. W., Jernigan-Noesi, M., Jones, S. C. T., Turner, E. A., Saleem, F., Jackson, J., Anderson, R. E., Bartolomeo, L. A., Tineo, P., Opara, I., (2024). Power to the people: Measuring social media and mass media impact for promotion and tenure in social and applied sciences. Higher Education Policy. Turner, E.A., *Douglas, C. & *Haseeb, A. (2024). Predictors of mental health treatment in Black men: Therapy fears and expectations about counseling. Community Mental Health Journal, 60, 385-393. (read here) Metzger, I., Turner, E.A., Jernigan-Noesi, M., Fisher, S., Nguyen, J., Griffith, B., & Shodiya-Zeumault, S., (2023). Conceptualizing community mental health service utilization for BIPOC youth. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 52(3), 328-342. (read here) Ofonedu, M., Turner, E.A., Franklin, A., & Breland-Noble, A. (2023). Promoting positive mental health outcomes for Black youth of African descent: Applying the Family as Host Model for culturally responsive practice. Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 8(2), 166-180. (read here) Turner, E.A., Harrell, S.P., & Bryant-Davis, T. (2022). Black Love, Activism, and Community (BLAC): The BLAC model of healing and resilience. Journal of Black Psychology, 48(3-4), 547-568. (read here) Malone, C., Wycoff, K., & Turner, E.A. (2022). Applying a MTSS framework to address racism and promote mental health for racial/ethnic minoritized youth. Psychology in the Schools, 59(12), 2438-2452. (read here) Turner, E.A., *Plitt, C.,*Gamez, Y, & *Godfrey, C. (2021). Therapy fears and help-seeking behaviors among mothers: Examining racial differences in mental health services. Community Mental Health Journal, 57, 808-813. Turner, E.A. (2018). Factor structure and psychometric properties of the Thoughts About Psychotherapy Survey in a parent sample. Community Mental Health Journal, 54, 7, 930-934. Turner, E.A., & Llamas, J. (2017). The role of therapy fears, ethnic identity, and spirituality on access to mental health treatment among Latino college students. Psychological Services, 14,4, 524-530. Turner, E.A., *Camarillo, J., *Daniel, S., *Otero, J., & *Parker, A. (2017) Correlates of psychotherapy use among ethnically diverse college students. Journal of College Student Development, 58, 2, 300-307. Turner, E.A., Cheng, H., Llamas, J., Tran, A. T., Hill, K., *Fretts, J.M., & Mercado, A. (2016). Factors impacting the current trends in the use of outpatient psychiatric treatment among diverse ethnic groups. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 12, 2, 199-220. Turner, E.A., Jensen-Doss, A., & Heffer, R. (2015, April). Ethnicity as a moderator of how parents’ attitudes and perceived stigma influence intentions to seek child mental health services. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication Turner, E.A. (2012). The parental attitudes toward psychological services inventory: Adaptation and development of an attitude scale. Community Mental Health Journal, 48, 4, 436-449. Selected Conference Presentations: Turner, E.A. (2024, August). Empowering Youth of Color: Applying the School Trauma and Racial Stress Blueprint. Invited address presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Seattle, WA. Turner, E.A. & Douglas, P. (2024, July). Ethical and Clinical Considerations for Engaging Black boys and Men in Therapy via Telehealth to promote positive well-being. Symposium presented at the Association of Black Psychologists Convention, Phoenix, AZ. Turner, E.A. (2023, August). Putting it all together: Implications for research, training, and practice. In M. O’Reilly (Chair), Therapy that care hear us: Infusing Liberation Psychology into CBT for Black clients. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC. Turner, E.A. (2023, March). Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical Practice: Working with Black Families. Invited seminar for the Children’s Hospital of Orange County Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. Virtual. Turner, E.A. (2022, December). Understanding the Impact of Race-based Stress on Youth of Color. Continuing education workshop for the METCO Directors’ Association Conference. Boston, MA. Turner, E.A. (2022, October). Mental Health in the New Millennium: Challenging Masculinity to Promote Healing among Boys and Men. Invited keynote for the Right of Joy Conference. Kansas City, MO. Turner, E.A. (2022, April). Addressing Inequities and Suicide Risk among Black Males. Invited keynote for the American Association of Suicidology. Chicago, IL. Turner, E.A. (2022, February). Ethical and practical considerations for using social media to promote healing and liberation. Continuing education workshop for the Winter Roundtable Conference in Psychology and Education. Virtual – Teacher’s College Columbia University. Turner, E.A. (2021, August). The Influence of Anti-Black Racism on Racial Stress and Trauma among Black Americans. In E.A. Turner (Chair), Black Activism and Mental Health: The BLAC Model for Community Healing and Resilience. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Convention, Virtual. *Bosfield, S., *Haseeb, A. , & Turner, E.A. (2021, July). Racial Differences in Therapy Fears and Help-Seeking among Mothers. Poster presentation at the APA Division 45 Virtual Research Conference. Calloway, A., Chang, D., Hayes-Skelton, S., Martinez, J., & Turner, E.A. (2021, April). Best Practices for Addressing Systemic Inequalities in Systems of Care: Continuing the Dialogue. In L. Eustis & K. Lewis (Chair), Panel discussion conducted at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America Conference, Virtual. Turner, E.A. & *Milton, N. (2020, August). Psychological Perspectives to Advance Children’s Mental Health. In E.A. Turner & A. Hewitt (Chair), Leveraging Science: Engaging in Advocacy to Promote Social and Emotional Development among Youth. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC. Turner, E.A. (2019, August). Examining the Influence of Police Violence on African Americans Mental Health: An Experimental Study. In E.A. Turner (Chair), Living in a Racist Society: Mental Health Among African Americans. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL. Bryant-Davis, T. & Turner, E.A. (2019, July). Afrifuturism: Using the Media and Technology to Illuminate the Mental and Spiritual Well-Being of Black People. Symposium presented at the Association of Black Psychologists Convention, Orlando, FL. Turner, E.A. & Cherry, S. (2019, March). Perceptions about Accessing Mental Health Services Among African Americans and Latinos. Poster presentation at the International Convention of Psychological Science. Paris, France. Palmer, B., Page, K., Turner, E.A., & *Daniel, D. (2019, January). Wakanda Now, Wakanda Forever: Exploring the Psychology of Blackness in Black Panther. Discussion panel at the National Multicultural Summit and Conference. Denver, CO. *Haseeb, A. & Turner, E.A. (2018, July). Mental Health Use and Treatment Expectations Among Incarcerated African American and Caucasian Men. Poster presentation at the APA Division 45 Research Conference, Austin, TX. Turner, E.A. & *Gamez, Y. (2018, April). Racial Differences in the Role of Religion and Spirituality on Decisions to Use Behavioral Health Treatment. Poster presentation at the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA. Turner, E.A. (2018, February). Bridging the Gap: Understanding and Addressing Barriers to Treatment for Ethnic Minority Families. Continuing education workshop presented at the Miami International Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference. Miami, FL. Turner, E.A. (2017, August). Empirical Perspectives on Mental Health Disparities Among African Americans. In M. Ofonedu (Chair), Strategies for Promoting Positive Mental Health Outcomes for Black Youth. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C. Turner, E.A. (2017, August). Effectiveness of Psychoeducation on Perceptions of Psychotherapy Among African Americans. In E.A. Turner (Chair), Evidence-Based Practice with Diverse Groups: Current Trends in Mental Health. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C. Turner, E.A. (2017, August). Police Shootings and Their Impact on the Mental Health and Well-being of Communities of Color. In S. Graves (Chair), Documenting the Impact of Race-Related Stress: A Video Project. Symposium conducted at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C. Turner, E.A. (2016, November). The Psychological Impacts of Policing on Communities of Color. American Psychological Association’s Congressional Briefing on Improving Police-Community Relations: Psychological Perspectives. Washington, DC. Turner, E.A. (2016, September). Psychology’s Role in Addressing Health Disparities. Invited address at the Katherine Ratliff Memorial Conference at the University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN. *student co-authors |
Current Research Project(s):
Project title: The Psychological Effects of Exposure to Police Violence in the Media Summary: The aim of the proposed project is to examine psychological outcomes associated with direct and indirect exposure to police violence. On-going Research Project(s): Project title: African Americans and Psychotherapy: Bridging a Gap to Enhance Treatment Engagement Summary: The aim of the proposed project is to examine the use of a psychoeducation intervention on improving treatment acceptability and improve attitudes towards therapy. Project title: Predictors of Intentions to Seek Psychotherapy Among African American and Latino Populations Summary: The aim of the proposed project is to examine sociocultural variables that influence help-seeking behaviors. Publication Spotlight |
Copyright 2025 Erlanger A. Turner, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.